Master’s thesis

General Information

  • ECTS: 6 ECTS
  • Requirements: the Regulations for Assessment and Qualification of Apprenticeships in the Bachelor and Master’s Degrees of the University of Lleida (approved by the Governing Council of 29 June 2023) provides that students may only enrol in the TFM when they register all outstanding credits to complete the degree.



Evaluation systems

In the evaluation of the Master’s Final Work the following sections will be considered:

  • Public defense in front of an evaluation committee formed by the tutor/a of the Master’s Final Work and another teacher/a. In this presentation the student will present and defend the work done.
  • A rubric will evaluate the design of the work, the written work, the tutorials, the oral presentation and the work done.

The defense of the TFM will be made in public session, by means of the oral presentation of its content or of the main lines of work, lasting a maximum of 20 minutes. The members of the evaluation committee may ask the/ the student any questions they deem appropriate related to the work presented. The evaluation committee of the TFM, has to train 2 professors/as doctore/as of the Master, appointing among them a/a president/a and a/a secretary/a.

